Source Water Protection

Protecting Drinking Water Sources

In May 2000, a municipal well in Walkerton became contaminated with deadly bacteria, resulting in seven deaths and severely impacting thousands of others. Following the Walkerton Inquiry, the Province passed the Clean Water Act in 2006.

This legislation is designed to help communities protect sources of their drinking water. The Act requires municipalities, businesses and residents to work together with Source Protection Authorities to create local Source Protection Plans.

Source Protection Plans

A plan to protect the sources of municipal drinking water is in place for the Credit River Watershed. The plan outlines policies and programs to protect water sources from contamination and depletion.

Learn more about the plan and the supporting science-based assessment reports on the CTC Source Protection Region website.

CTC Source Protection Region

Credit Valley Conservation is one of three Source Protection Authorities in the CTC region. It includes Credit Valley, Toronto and Region and Central Lake Ontario region.

Help Protect Sources of Drinking Water

Our actions matter. Everyone plays a role in helping to protect our sources of drinking water.

Water Balance Tool

We developed a web-based water balance tool to estimate current hydrological parameters within the Credit River Watershed and predict how they may vary as a result of potential development. We developed this tool with information and data obtained through numerical  groundwater models developed under the Source Protection program between 2009 and 2013.

Parameters include the following:

  • Precipitation: rain and snow fall
  • Evapotranspiration: evaporation from the land
  • Runoff: water draining from the land
  • Recharge: replacing water in an aquifer through the absorption of water

Go to the Water Balance Tool

Source Water Protection News

Protect Your Groundwater John Island knows his one-hectare property in Mono like the back of his hand. Surrounded […]

Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) invites well owners in the Credit River Watershed to attend Solutions for Safer Well […]

Is Your Drinking Water At Risk? Home water filtration systems are only one line of defense against contaminated […]

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